Your home is priceless; yet, being able to afford it for the long term is a constant battle. Every little bit you can shave off your utility bills now will add up over the coming years. It is prudent to take steps to save on your utility bills. Smart investments implemented early will have the most significant effect on your budget and help protect your standard of living.
Landscaping is not likely to bring utility bills to mind, but it can impact your budget the same as any other part of your property. Here are three ways that changes to your landscape now can affect your utility bills.
Proper Planning Saves in Two Ways
This is where a good landscape designer can make a real difference in your utility bills and save you money for years to come. An experienced designer can help you redesign key areas of your yard to reap the best rewards in utility bill savings.
A well-thought-out landscape design can save on utility bills by creating strategic microclimates. A scheme to use deciduous trees and evergreens with purpose as they grow will produce microclimates that can protect your home from extreme summer sun and winter winds. Insist that your landscape designer employs this time proven technique.
Choose native species to save more. The choice of species used in your landscape design can determine water usage. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 30% of water consumption is for outdoor water usage. Utilizing native species in your landscape will help limit your outdoor watering requirements.
Utilizing Upgrades in Technology
Save on your utility bills by updating your irrigation system now. If it has been many years since you have had an irrigation system installed, you may wish to consider an upgrade to something more technologically advanced. Newer systems analyze current weather conditions to determine how much water to use and when to water.
Optimize Your Utility Bill
When pinching pennies to save on utility bills, think and spend smarter. A little investment now can save over time. Call and speak to your local landscape experts now to develop a plan for your yard. Lanier Yardscapes has the experience and technology available to help you optimize your utility bill budget.
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115 Shamrock Industrial Blvd Suite B
Tyrone, GA 30290
Phone: (770) 337-5174
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM