Some landscaping and property construction designs require cutting into an existing hillside. To prevent soil slipping into your yard or damaging foundations and structures, a retaining wall provides the ideal solution. Retaining walls are specially designed to withstand an enormous amount of pressure, but environmental changes or daily wear-and-tear will reduce its fortification properties.
It is vital that you are alert for any signs of damage to your retaining wall. Early intervention reduces the risk that your wall will collapse, resulting in damage to the landscaping and costly repairs. Do not attempt to fix a retaining wall yourself. They are deceptively complex structures and must be evaluated by a professional.
Warning Signs of Damage
Heavy rainfall or construction in the area can change the composition of the soil behind your retaining wall. This changes the pressure placed on this structure and causes it to weaken. If you notice bulging areas or that a portion is leaning outwards, this is a clear indication that the integrity of your retaining wall has become compromised.
In extreme cases, the entire wall may need to be demolished and replaced with additional supports. However, if caught early, it is possible to repair only the affected portion. An experienced landscaper can evaluate your wall and determine the extent of the problem.
Inspect your retaining wall regularly for cracks in the brickwork or concrete. This indicates weakness at the rear of the wall and it may crumble inward. At Lanier Yardscapes, we will initially seek to repair the cracked area by replacing broken bricks or re-concreting. Cracking in a retaining wall is usually caused by poor drainage, and our experts will thoroughly examine the area to address the root cause.
Bring Beauty to Functionality
There is no doubt that a retaining wall is essential if cutting into a hillside or slope. Ensuring that the structure adequately supports the soil behind it will keep your property and garden safe from landslides for years to come.
However, there is no reason that your retaining wall cannot enhance the aesthetic of your landscape design – or even become an eye-catching feature. At Lanier Yardscapes, we offer a range of decorative touches, such as embossed stones and colored brickwork. Consider adding LED lighting as an efficient and cost-effective way to add interest to your functional structure.
Contact Lanier Yardscapes in Georgia for any questions regarding enhancing or repairing your retaining wall.
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115 Shamrock Industrial Blvd Suite B
Tyrone, GA 30290
Phone: (770) 337-5174
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM